Research Studentships
Opens 24 Feb 2025 09:00 AM (GMT)
Deadline 7 Apr 2025 11:59 PM (BST)


Our Summer Vacation Studentship scheme supports students working within a research group on a specified project for 4-6 weeks, with a dedicated supervisor, in an area of molecular bioscience. The project can be a computational biology/bioinformatics based project, a laboratory based project or a mixture of both. The studentship can be hosted by any relevant organisation, such as a university, a company in industry or a research institute. If the studentship is being hosted at a university, this does not need to be the same university that the student attends, i.e., it can be at any convenient institution.

This scheme is extremely popular, with applications going through a competitive application process. Successful students will be awarded a stipend of £400.40 per week for 6 weeks, to support the students’ living costs for the duration of the placement. The stipend is based on a 35 hour week at £11.44/hour (National Living Wage). The research group will cover consumables and costs associated with the research. Students will also be awarded a one-year undergraduate membership of the Biochemical Society.

Please note that the student should be the one to begin the application process, and the supervisor can then be invited as a collaborator.


  • The studentship should typically be carried out during the penultimate summer of an undergraduate degree e.g., the summer before the final year. Whilst consideration can be given to those taking up the studentship earlier (e.g., in the middle summer(s) of their degree), unfortunately final year students are not eligible.
  • The named supervisor must be a member of the Biochemical Society to apply for a research studentship, and each supervisor may only apply for sponsorship of one student per round of applications.
  • Once an award has been offered to a named student it cannot be transferred to another student.
  • The Summer Vacation Studentship scheme is open to overseas students and mature students, and can be carried out in the UK or overseas.
  • Students can only apply for one Biochemical Society studentship in 2025.

Post-scheme report

Once funding is awarded, it is a condition of the award that the student subsequently submits a report and a photo that can be uploaded onto our website (no more than 2 sides of A4) summarising:

  • The aims of the project
  • Description of work
  • Assessment of results and outcomes of studentship
  • Future directions in which the project could be taken
  • Departures from original proposal
  • Value of studentship to the student and to the lab
  • Photos of the student and supervisor with any others (or images) of relevant lab work or results.

Students are also encouraged to write a blog about their placement, and to regularly update the Society on their work using social media or via email.


Research Studentships


Our Summer Vacation Studentship scheme supports students working within a research group on a specified project for 4-6 weeks, with a dedicated supervisor, in an area of molecular bioscience. The project can be a computational biology/bioinformatics based project, a laboratory based project or a mixture of both. The studentship can be hosted by any relevant organisation, such as a university, a company in industry or a research institute. If the studentship is being hosted at a university, this does not need to be the same university that the student attends, i.e., it can be at any convenient institution.

This scheme is extremely popular, with applications going through a competitive application process. Successful students will be awarded a stipend of £400.40 per week for 6 weeks, to support the students’ living costs for the duration of the placement. The stipend is based on a 35 hour week at £11.44/hour (National Living Wage). The research group will cover consumables and costs associated with the research. Students will also be awarded a one-year undergraduate membership of the Biochemical Society.

Please note that the student should be the one to begin the application process, and the supervisor can then be invited as a collaborator.


  • The studentship should typically be carried out during the penultimate summer of an undergraduate degree e.g., the summer before the final year. Whilst consideration can be given to those taking up the studentship earlier (e.g., in the middle summer(s) of their degree), unfortunately final year students are not eligible.
  • The named supervisor must be a member of the Biochemical Society to apply for a research studentship, and each supervisor may only apply for sponsorship of one student per round of applications.
  • Once an award has been offered to a named student it cannot be transferred to another student.
  • The Summer Vacation Studentship scheme is open to overseas students and mature students, and can be carried out in the UK or overseas.
  • Students can only apply for one Biochemical Society studentship in 2025.

Post-scheme report

Once funding is awarded, it is a condition of the award that the student subsequently submits a report and a photo that can be uploaded onto our website (no more than 2 sides of A4) summarising:

  • The aims of the project
  • Description of work
  • Assessment of results and outcomes of studentship
  • Future directions in which the project could be taken
  • Departures from original proposal
  • Value of studentship to the student and to the lab
  • Photos of the student and supervisor with any others (or images) of relevant lab work or results.

Students are also encouraged to write a blog about their placement, and to regularly update the Society on their work using social media or via email.

24 Feb 2025 09:00 AM (GMT)
7 Apr 2025 11:59 PM (BST)

Education, Careers and Public Engagement